Amazonia. You find it on the bucket list of nature lovers and enquiring travellers worldwide.  The Amazon Rainforest is one of the world’s most significant ecosystems with eye-opening biodiversity. For decades, a trip to Amazonia has been a once-in-a-lifetime experience.

The Amazon Rainforest stretches across 9 countries – Bolivia, Brazil, Columbia, Ecuador, Guyana, French Guiana, Peru and Suriname – and it covers 2.1 million square miles (5.5 million km2 – equals more than half of the US). Half of the Earth’s plant species grow in the Amazon Rainforest, although it makes up only 7% of the planet’s land mass. Ecuador’s part of the Amazon covers just 10% of that, but its most biodiverse places, such as Yasuni National Park, are here.

Choose your perfect Amazon Tour

Ecuador’s offering of Amazon Lodges and Campgrounds changes constantly and varies a lot in both price and quality. In addition to value, we handpick the ones that fulfill our demanding requirements for sustainability, eco-management and integration with indigenous communities.

In order to make your visit to Ecuador’s Amazon an unforgettable experience, our Partner Lodges are either inside Yasuni itself or border the national park.

We offer different packages, starting from one-day tours into the surroundings of the Amazon Rainforest of Ecuador till multi-day packages into Eco-Lodges and Eco-Campgrounds located in the Yasuni National Park or close to it.

  • The one-day tour is perfect if you stay in or around Coca town and just want to see a glimpse of the stunting Amazon Rainforest. This tour is also perfect for people interest to see the impacts of the big industries.
  • Further, we recommend combining the one day Lagoon excursion with the a four day Eco-Camping tour, so you can learn about different eco-systems
  • Most of our customers find out that a 5 day tour is the best value for money experience and to get to enjoy the most.

Our offer is constantly growing and changing, so please come back regularly to see our offers.